Yep, you read that right! There are TWO babies in my belly!
I'm still definitely bloated but I swear my belly is getting bigger already.
Napping is still a daily must. Luckily I have an amazing husband who lets me get a nap in every day, even if it's just 30 minutes.
I get this weird sick feeling my first trimester that I don't know how to explain. I'm not nauseous, but I just feel... off. I feel groggy and my head gets this strange sick feeling. The only time I've ever felt this way is during my first trimester of pregnancy. It's quite strange and not very enjoyable. This feeling has really started kicking in the last couple days but I've found that eating almost constantly and staying hydrated really helps to ward it off.
My acne seems to be dying down a bit, which is awesome.
I am eating just about all day. Like I mentioned before, I start to feel yucky when my stomach empties (which seems to happen fairly quickly). I'm trying really hard to munch on healthy snacks but I've had a major junk tooth lately. I know I can tame the beast, though.
I've never thrown up for pregnancy related reasons. I got the stomach flu during my first trimester my last pregnancy, which was horrible, but I've never had "morning" sickness. Well, last night I woke up around midnight feeling queasy. I laid there for a while thinking "man, am I going to throw up?" as the nausea built. I ended up running to the bathroom and throwing up. It was the most gentle puke session I've ever had, though haha and I immediately felt better. I have no idea if that was pregnancy related or maybe I ate something bad but I guess we'll wait and see if it happens again.
My usual first trimester carb cravings have set in. I swear I lived off mashed potatoes and gravy for three weeks my last pregnancy. Mmmmm that sounds really good right now haha. I haven't really had any cravings lately, but just the sight of food makes my mouth water. It's like I'm a bottomless pit.
I've had a rough time, again, making it into the gym this week. I just feel so crappy during the day. I feel great in the morning, yucky in the afternoon, then good again after I nap. Usually I go to the gym during the time I've been feeling bad so hopefully it passes soon or I can start going at different times.
Hair ties are still attached to all pants I own and I don't see them coming off any time soon.
After my appointment on Monday, I was able to drop my PIO dose down to 0.5 ml/night! Woo hoo! I'm barely sore after injections now but I am still trying to work out some lingering lumps.
Ultrasound Results: TWINS!
As I said before, the ultrasound showed TWO healthy little babies in there! I was COMPLETELY shocked. I was 100% convinced there was just one baby in there. Sometimes BETA levels can point towards singleton or twins by how high they are and how fast they double. Well, my levels totally looked like singleton levels. They were doubling at a normal rate and the numbers weren't super high at all. I guess I'm proof that BETA levels aren't always indicative of the number of babies!
The ultrasound was so awesome to do while M & S skyped. They got to see the babies and hear their heartbeats, which I'm so happy about. As soon as the screen popped up I immediately saw who sacs and screamed "NO WAY!" in shock and disbelief followed by "What is that?!". Haha the doctor was like.. "That's two babies!". I wish I could have seem M & S's reaction but the screen was out of my view. I could hear them saying "Oh, yes!" and "Woo!". I can't even begin to explain how happy I am for them. I started crying happy tears laying there watching these two beings inside me. We all know that things are still early and anything can happen but right now we are all so happy and excited.
After the initial shock wore off (I couldn't stop giggling for about 5 hours after I left the clinic) I begin to realize that I'm pregnant with TWINS. There are a lot more complications that can arise from twin pregnancies and I'll admit that I'm having to process that out. I just really don't want anything to happen to these sweet babies. I know that preterm labor is much more common with multiples but I really trust that my body can cook these babies to at least 38 weeks and to great birth weights. I've been thinking about the labor and delivery aspect of twins. I really want to avoid a c-section. I'm going to search long and hard for an excellent OB who is supportive of vaginal twin deliveries. I have been given some great recommendations so I'll be setting up appointments soon.
I am a bit intimidated knowing that there are twins in there but I really have a great trust and love for my body. I'm confident I will rock this pregnancy and everything will work out perfectly.
Upcoming Appointments:
We have another ultrasound on Friday March 20th to check the growth of the babies and, if everything looks great, I'll be released from ORM shortly after that. Which means NO MORE MEDS. That will be wonderful :)
In the next day or so, I'll make an appointment to be seem by an OB.
I'm working through some anxiety over the delivery of twins but I know I have a long time and I will have the best birth team with me. Mostly, I am just SO excited for M & S. You could just see the joy beaming through that screen during the ultrasound. I'm beyond honored to be a part of this journey to giving them babies.
Days on Prenatal Vitamins: 113
Baby aspirin: 68
Baby aspirin: 68
Delestrogen Injections: 14
PIO Injections: 38
Doxycycline: 32 (first round finished 1/7, second round finished 2/2)
Medrol: 7 (finished 2/2)
Active Birth Control Pills: 46 (finished 1/2)
Lupron injections: 29 (finished 1/29)
Acupuncture Sessions: 10
Vials of Blood Drawn: 19
Embryo Transfer: 1
Vaginal Exams: 2
SIS: 1
Mock Transfer: 1
Internal Ultrasound: 3
Vials of Blood Drawn: 19
Embryo Transfer: 1
Vaginal Exams: 2
SIS: 1
Mock Transfer: 1
Internal Ultrasound: 3
4 weeks- 164.2
4 weeks- 164.2
6 weeks- 166.6
7 weeks- 167.2