The teaching appointment was exciting for me. We went over some paperwork and then we were taught how to give the injections! There are two types of injections I will have to do- subcutaneous and intramuscular. The subcutaneous injections are really small insulin needles that I will inject into my tummy myself. The intramuscular injections are much larger and will be injected in my bum. I could probably do them myself but I'm going to have Mark do them for me. I was worried he would be too intimidated (he hates needles!) but he did great at the practice and I'm sure he'll be a wonderful nurse. Beforehand, I thought the injection teaching would leave me more anxious but it actually made me feel more comfortable about the process.
I have an appointment with an OB on Monday to get medically cleared and have my blood drawn. After I get the results from my blood tests, we will start working on my med calendar!
I got an idea I really like from another surro mom's blog that I'm going to start doing. At the end of each blog entry she had a tally of all the medications/needle pokes she had done at that point. So here's my tiny tally so far!
Birth Control Pills- 7
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